Tag Archives: Big Bear Banter

EAL Training


Digital Translation Tools for EAL Learners

Target Group – Upper Primary & Secondary PSAs, ASNTs and Class Teachers

Maximum Participants – 30

Number of hours out with – 1.5

Sectors – Upper Primary & Secondary

Cutoff date – 21/11/23

Subject – Literacy

Date: Tuesday 28th November, 4-5.30 pm

Venue: Inverness High School

HGIOS – 2.3 – Learning, teaching and assessment

HGIOS – 3.2 – Raising attainment and achievement

Aim – To upskill staff in digital translation tools to then support EAL pupils.

Content – During this training we will cover how to use key translation tools which are accessible to pupils on their Chromebooks such as Google Translate, Read & Write and OrbitNote.  There will be opportunities to practise using these tools during the session.

Notes: If possible, could attendees bring a Highland Council laptop or Chromebook to the training. Tea and coffee will be available.



Alison Roy and Jenny Gray present a 40 minute recorded training opportunity for staff in E.LC.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting EAL Pupils in Nursery: slides (with links)



Jenny Gray and Alison Roy present a 1 hour 15 minute recorded training opportunity for primary staff on how to support  New to English or Early acquisition EAL pupils in primary school.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting New to English EAL Pupils in Primary: slides (with links)



Jenny Gray and Alison Roy present a 1 hour 15 minute recorded training opportunity for secondary staff on how to support  New to English or Early acquisition EAL pupils in secondary school.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting new to English EAL Pupils in Secondary: slides (with links)

New to English EAL Induction Pack for PRIMARY (Including Big Bear Banter)

Combined resources from the Big Bear Banter  and  P4-7 Induction Packs. Now including lots of links for each topic to online resources eg. online flashcards, animated stories, YouTube videos, songs and interactive games. This document is a live document which will be  updated with new online resources.



Online Flashcards with audio

In Teddy Talk, Big Bear Banter and the induction packs for P4-7 and Secondary we have all used flashcards to learn new vocabulary.

MES have now put their flashcards online with audio. Great for use on chromebooks and during the current online learning. (slight warning in that uses American english so need to be careful using some of the vocabulary for UK English speakers eg trousers – pants)


Smartboard Resources

EAL Highland have developed some Smartboard Resources to support Teddy Talk and Big Bear Banter activities. Sadly, the file type cannot be imported into the Blog so if you would like a copy of any of these please contact peter.fenton@highland.gov.uk with your email address and which resource you would like to see and he will send it on as an attachment.

If anyone develops their own Smartboard resources then please share with Peter. Thanks.

  • Elmer’s Colours
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Daily Routines

Big Bear Banter

big bear
Our Teddy Talk activities for nurseries have just grown up!

Big Bear Banter is a series of activities for pupils in P1 to P3  who are new to English.  They include flashcard activities, story activities and using songs and rhymes. There are a host of different topics and links to further resources.

The BBB resources are now part of the New to English EAL Induction Pack for Primary. The pack now includes  links  to online resources eg. online flashcards, animated stories, YouTube videos, songs and interactive games.

N.B. This document is a live document which is currently being updated.

As always if you find additional resources or make up your own topics then please share them with us and we can add them to the pack.

Record Keeping Sheets

Here are some record sheets to keep track of sessions that are taking place for Big Bear Banter in your setting.

Big Bear banter Record of Activities