Phrases for School from Bracknell Forest

These useful resources from Bracknell Forest EAL and Diversity Team at Bracknell Forest Council give schools basic phrases in different languages in PDF format for use with pupils and parents.  They can be used for new arrivals or for checking understanding for New to English pupils. Some teachers and pupils may simply be interested in them to celebrate different languages as well.

Click on the language to download….

Arabic    Chinese     Czech      German      Greek       Hindi     Hungarian Italian    Japanese  Lithuanian      Malayalam     Polish     Portuguese     Russian        Slovak      Spanish     Tagalog        Tamil      Thai       Turkish       Urdu

There are also lots more resources in different languages for use in Primary and Secondary schools on their website click here to open in a new window

Speedy Readers for pupils with EAL

At Charleston Academy and in the Highland trial in primary schools, Speedy Readers has proven very effective for pupils with EAL who have a ‘spiky profile’ eg their Listening and Talking is stage 3 or 4, but their Reading and Writing is stage 1 or 2.   Typically, this will be a pupil in P5 + who has been in UK education for more than 2 years, but who has literacy difficulties.

It is ideal for these pupils as it involves:

  • groupwork
  • reading choice
  • auditory back up
  • context

For information on how to implement, please see the Highland Literay BLOG

You may also want to use this with younger pupils. Please get in touch for advice.

Please note: This is not recommended for pupils who are New to English

Helping Your Child to Become Bilingual

Information for parents/carers and professionals on the advantages of bilingualism, available in the following languages:


Polish Resources

polish flag

Here are a some new Polish resources for you to use in the classroom. One is a Polish Language Mat and the other is a set of language survival cards that teachers can use to ensure that newly arrived pupils understand directions and simple instructions.

Both resources are particularly helpful with new arrivals but also support children with some Polish literacy to find the right words. Click on the links below to download.


Polish Survival Guide

Hello and Goodbye Songs

Here are a couple of audio files with the Hello and Goodbye songs that are used in Teddy Talk session.

Use any song, but it’s important to include names and ask how they are:

Hello Song

Hello, hello, how are you? Piotr, Piotr

Hello, hello, how are you? How are you today?

(Wait for a response, thumbs “I’m good” or thumbs down “I’m not good”)


Goodbye Song  (to the tune of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)

Now it’s time to say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye

Now it’s time to say goodbye, goodbye Piotr (or you could use the name of the objects going back into the bag)

Kodaly Hello Song

These songs have been slightly adapted from the songs used in Kodaly sessions.  If you slap your knees and then clap your hands to the beat this is good for rhythm development too.

Kodaly Goodbye song


Education in Scotland information leaflets

EAL Edinburgh have produced a number of leaflets about

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the link above and you will find parental guidance on the following aspects of Curriculum for Excellence in Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Polish, Romanian, Thai, Turkish and Urdu:

Assessment, Reporting and Qualifications,
Education in Scotland
Parents as Partners

Supporting Bilingual Learners of English in Highland Schools